Mums and stuff

2006-05-15, 9:41 p.m.
BFs mum is really sick. She's in hospital with tubes and wires sticking out of her. Her heart is packing up and all her other organs are barely working as they arent getting enough oxgen and blood and other stuff that her heart's supposed to be pumping into them.

Say a prayer, light a candle, sacrifice a goat or whatever you do, willya? Cos, despite her giving me merry hell on more than one occasion, she's actually pretty much OK and BF? Well, lets just say Oedipus and his ma "kind of got on OK" in comparison.

In other news, Slave and her boyfriend came to dinner and it was fab (more on that some other time) and me and BF finally cleared a big enough space in the undergrowth of our garden to put a playhouse in for Jooj and Treacle. Now we've just got to find one we can half-afford (Mater and Pater are affording the other half - belated Christmas present).

More soon (and be nice to your mums)


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