some stuff

2006-07-26, 9:54 p.m.
Stuff I Havent Told you About Yet:

My car dying, Me test-driving a new fabulous car, BF buying a new car that we cant afford, the Evangelical Christian BBQ, Jooj's theatrical successes, MY theatrical successes, how unbe-fucking-leeevably hot it is here at the moment, some stuff about going to Winchester on the train so we could both get drunk.

Missing my kids even tho they are only gone for three days and theyve phoned twice already, tonights beef madras sandwiches, the giant thunderstorm that BF snored through last night.

I think I might tell you about some of that stuff quite soon.

Stuff I Know:

My office was an entirely nicer place to work today as there were no cunts top brass in. Toast DID phone to ask some important departmental questions, but luckily for me he asked Slave and didnt even want to speak to me. Fair play to Slave that she said straight away, "Im sorry Toastie, I dont know. Just a mo, I'll just ask Stepfie".

I have an interview at an employment agency on Weds. I hope they will find me a fantabulous new job.

I have a Corporate BBQ to attend on Tuesday How can I arrange to die before then so I wont have to go?

I went to get a bit of Louise's birthday cake today. as I was standing in the call centre eating it, the whole of the icing fell off in one big bit. It fell right onto my foot, just where my toes join onto the rest of the foot. It balanced there for a bit. At nearly 40 years old and a pillar of the local community and corporate whre to boot, I will admit to thinking I would be able to flip the lump of icing from my foot, into the air, and into my mouth. I am clearly retarded.

As yesterdays entry shall prove, I cannot type when I have either a) been drinking b) been upset by cuntish co-workers. c) or both.

Another Bit of Stuff I Know:

People who dont even know me who leave me kind comments just because Ive had a shitty day are lovely, lovely people. All of them. And people who text me their phone numbers so I can phone them for a bit of a whine are lovely too (and so are their mums).

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