TRAUMA! (and interviews)

2009-02-16, 10:04 p.m.
Sunday 15th

You know how much I hate my job, yeh? And you know how I live for the seconds that I am away from it, yeh? Well, right now, I would probably give a quid to anyone who said �you can go into the office now�.

Lee and Anne-Marie split up again (look like this one�s for real, as there appears to be �additional forces� thrown into the mix this time). To add crap to crappiness, Anne Marie sold her house a few weeks ago, to move here permanently and to buy a house with Lee. The deal on the house they were going to buy fell through, and it seems that this is enough for Lee to consider that to be a deal-breaker for the whole relationship. This, of course, leaves Anne Marie with nowhere to live. So, she�s at ours. In our spare room.

Remember, Lee lived with us for two months when they split up last time? We are �L and Stepfie�s Home for The Emotionally Bereft�. Main difference this time is that when Lee lived with us he just carried on as usual, going to work coming home, going to the pub and doing all the stuff he usually did. Anne Marie�s been crying. Lots. Lots and lots. I feel like I�m on suicide watch as I don�t like to go out and leave her in the house on her own and she doesn�t want to go anywhere. I even had to kind of yell at her this morning so she would go and take a shower and get dressed � it was late enough that even L was up and dressed and kind of making sense.

Add to that, which is depressing enough, but we�ve now had almost 72 hours of Relationship Post Mortem � variations on the theme of �Why has he dumped me?�.

I have broken the cardinal rule of the Comforting Girlfriend in this respect and have mostly been saying �because he is a shit and is shagging someone else�. I am well aware that if they get back together I will have burned my bridges with both of them�.but at least I will have told the truth. He�s been absolutely vile - slagging her off, making her feel like shit, telling her she�s fat (she�s not) and that no man would want her (not true).

I�ve had the girls with me this weekend too (Jooj came home from her week-long skiing holiday on Saturday morning � full of �hilarious� piste-based anecdotes and with a Year 11 boy seriously crushing on her which is a bit worrying as he is c16 and she is only just 13. Still, she is being very noble and saying �I�ve turned him down, mum. I�ve already got a boyfriend�), so it�s been very difficult to keep them out of it, despite saying �Umm, not in front of the kids please� about a zillion times.

Monday 16th

Anne Marie�s still with us (in mind and in body!). I had an hour of weeping this morning before work and then she phoned me in the office (another half an hour!) to tell me that she was going to have lunch with Lee to sort a few things out. By the time I got home from work she had been with L in the pub for most of the afternoon and was quite drunk as she still thinks that a) starving herself is the way to his heart and b) white wine is just water with flavour. I stuffed a load of pasta down her face and listened to a bit more trauma stuff. I don�t think Lee is getting it elsewhere now, I just think he reached crisis point (probably some time ago, but being a bit spineless he just glossed over it) and dealt with it really badly.

I left Anne Marie to have a bath and read a book in bed and went to the club with L. Lee was there. I hadn�t seen him for a few days so I gave him a bit of a squeeze and whispered in his ear �hands up all those who have been a bit of a cunt and think their friends aren�t talking to them any more?� He did have the good grace to put his hand up.

As a consequence of all that trauma, my attention has been diverted somewhat from the small matter of the dozen or so Attention Whores regular readers who have asked me to interview them. Becca�s questions for me were relevant and incisive and enabled me to go into long and boring detail about my life. Faced with a cosmic fuck ton of people wanting me to do the same I must confess I was a bit scared.

In the interests of being able to ever have time to do ANYTHING ever again apart from dream up questions, I�ve had to change the rules a little bit. I hope Becca doesn�t mind. For those who wanted interview questions, instead of me emailing you a bucketload of specific stuff, please accept that Trauma Management has been my life now for quite a few days and select five questions from those below. Some will apply to everyone�and some to just a few. Choose whichever you like. The rest of the rules are as per Becca�s original premise:

Here's how it works:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by e-mailing you 5 questions.
3. You update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You include this explanation and an offer to interview others.
5. When you receive the comment from another, you will send them 5 questions.

  • What�s the best meal you�ve ever eaten? Why�s it so great? Who cooked it? If you could have that meal again, right now, would it be the same?
  • If you could only talk to one person for the rest of your life, who would you talk to?
  • What made you start your blog? Does it do what you hoped it would do?
  • If your younger self had gone forward in time and met the person you are now, what do you think Younger You would think of how you turned out? If your older self came back from the future, what would they tell you?
  • Indulgence implies self-gratification and, with that, inherent guilt. What�s your indulgence, and why the guilt?
  • Tell us about a time when a whole lot of �rich� has made up for a whole lot of �ugly�.
  • Did you ever tell a lie that got out of hand? How bad did it get and how did you wriggle out if it in the end?
  • Have you ever been �involved� in a natural disaster (I don�t mean one you caused, I mean an accident, like a being caught in a tidal wave or a tornado or an earthquake or something else that makes good readin�)
  • Which of your children is most like you? Who�s the cuckoo in the nest?
  • (for single parents)If there�s someone reading this who has recently become a single parent or is facing parenthood alone, what words do you think would help them cope? What helped you?
  • I�m really sorry for being lame over this but, hell, I posted my answers A WEEK AGO and if I don�t hurry up and give y�all something, you�re gonna think I�m even more of a flake than I actually am!

    Oo, I forgot to tell you! I�m seeing annanotbob on Thursday! Be jealous, oh minions, be jealous!


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