Im Not Dead. Honest.

2007-01-03, 10:04 p.m.
Hello Everyone!

Im Not Dead!

So so so so SO busy over Christmas and new year what with it being our third busiest time of the year at work (No. 2 is Valentines Day, No. 1 is Mothers Day), plus rehearsing plus all the usual enormous piles of crud I deal with on a daily basis. Add to that an uncharacteristically productive BF - who has been working and learning new computer programmes, and working, and working and earning money and working - which means I cant get to use the only PC in the house with internet access.

I havent been updating and I havent been reading. I still love you all tho.

Tomorrow BF has assured me he will be going to the pub. I have no rehearsal and would like to tell you all my predictions for 2007 and my new year's resolutions (if I havent broken them all by then!).

Until such time, I give you a picture of my Christmas tree and a picture of Treacle wearing some reindeer antlers. I know Im a bit late, but they're still nice pictures.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now Im going to go do the children's packed lunches and wash my hair and get some paperwork ready for a planning meeting at work tomorrow.

much love

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