Sick Parents, Minor Disasters, Comedy Clothing

2006-05-17, 8:40 p.m.
Thanks so much for all the good thoughts and stuff for BFs ma. Today has been a pretty odd one all round really. Bf had to go back to the hospital to see his ma, but this time he had to take the probate lawyer with her, as she hasnt made a will and if she dies, then the state will take all her money (house etc)to pay for the nursing home care that BFs dad needs. Cant imagine a situation more grim than sitting watching your mum doing that. Just awful.

BF is going back tomorrow to see the doctors. they say Ma can go home after the weekend - they will provide a hospital bed for her house, and a commode, and some kind of "home carer" to help out. BF has to find out tomorrow whether that means they are sending her home to die as they've already said she isnt going to get better. He's being incredibly brave and grown up but I foresee a BF-crumbling of epic proportions on the horizon. He's a big man. But he's not that big.

Then it was off to the new nursing home for a look-see. BFs dad goes into hospital for a bit of exploratory surgery next week, then he's moving to his shiny new batchelor pad nursing home room. BF says its absolutely lovely and that he's sure his dad will love it. Where he 'lives' at the moment (when he's not in the geriatric hospital) only offers 'assistance' rather than nursing so they arent allowed to help him get dressed or make sure he doesnt fall in the shower or anything. They'll come around to remind him to take his insulin, but they cant help him with the syringe or anything like that. The new place has round-the-clock care and just sounds perfect. While he's in having his surgery, we're going to his old place to move the furniture and stuff and get everything looking nice so he can move straight in after the surgery. They're also going to put in a permanent catheter for him which should make his life a lot more bearable and will mean people (us, BFs sister, etc) can take him out for lunch or a little day trip without it being such a trauma. There's also talk of him being provided with a wheelchair, which would just be heavenly.

BF went this afternoon to talk to his dad. Dad was so proud that he'd remembered to watch the Cup Final on Saturday(although he couldnt remember who'd been in it!) but the nurses said the effort of remembering and the effort of watching it, meant that he slept pretty much the whole day on sunday. He knows he's going to be moving and seems pretty excited about it - although I think this is mostly because they wont let him have any beer in the geriatric hospital, and the food is dreadful!

And me? Well, its all been kind of odd for me too. Im struggling to find much humour in anything at the moment. Yesterday I did the grocery shopping at lunchtime and stowed it on the backseat of my car. As the weather was reasonably warm, I left the windows of my car open so the stuff wouldnt get too hot. While I was back in the office being a captain of industry, it pissed down with rain and I had to drive home sitting on a bin bag cos the upholstery was soaked through. My car smells like a student's coat now.

When I got home, there were FOUR fab new mix CDs from the lovely Smed!!!! The first time in my life, ever, that somebody's made mixes for me. Yup. Really truly. Oh....actually...once, my stalker sent me a tape of him reading excerpts from the bible (and other big books)...but that cant count, can it?

Anyways, I havent had time to review them all in the time honoured fashion. Im pretty sure Smed wont mind. Im gonna live with them for a bit - at least until Ive had a chance to digest the tracks I havent heard before, and then do the posting when you least expect it. Have to say, it was good to hear "Just Got Lucky" again, tho! Didnt think anyone else in the whole wide world knew that song.

Today, there was such an absence of Top Brass at Twat Inc that, get this.....I was the most senior member of staff in the building!!!! And I dont mean OLDEST, you silly things! Methuselah's forefathers were still shuffling about the place in their droves, bitching, whining and making my life a misery. And you KNOW how youthfully fabulous I am! But no! I was the highest wanking officer in the Woman Army today. You may call me Biggus Dickus (or maybe Incontinentio Buttox, depending how much Python you can quote). Nice IT Guy is poorly and I suggested he might like to go home. It wasnt til quite late in the afternoon that he realised that as I was, in effect, running the company, it would have been OK if he did! In the time-honoured fashion he told me, rather shamefacedly, that he'd forgotten I was Management, and thought I was just being kind.

Luckily I had dressed like the sort of person who runs a million pound multinational organisation today. Jaunty 50s stylee nipped-in jacket (powder blue) with comedic enormo buttons and same colour pencil skirt with large polka dots of various other shades of blue thereon. Kind of RetroCorporateBarbie. All I needed was the pill-box hat. And maybe some white gloves.

And this evening? BF has gone to Lee's to watch Arse 'n' All vee BarceloooooonnAAAAAAH, and Im doing this. Woo flippin Hoo.


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