Halloweenie Little Entry

2005-10-31, 9:42 p.m.
Happy Halloween boys and girls!

Whiled away a pleasant day yesterday - carved my big ole pumpkin into a suitably festive (but non-scary)lantern face thing. Made gallons and gallons of pumpkin puree - now residing in the freezer for pies-to-come.

BF spent the whole day working on ANOTHER shitty track for the holiday people and was all bleary eyed by 7 ish so we repaired to the pub for a couple of strengtheners and then back to the Palace of Many Sins for our ritual Baaaaath Niiiiight, Mmmmmm (insert Homer-style drooling of your own). Corner tub, a martini and a beer, lots of Body Shop Bergamot Salt Scrub (feels fab, tastes yucky so go careful , copycats) - oh and a bit fat joint to aid the.....ummm....relaxation process. BF was, once again, legendary in his performance and I think I kept up admirably. Well, we both collapsed in a heap going "what the FUCK was THAT!" after so I guess that's good. Had to be fortified by several slices of Refrigerator Cake that I'd made for the girls (and anther Martini) before we were even able to THINK about going to sleep.

Horrid day at Twat Inc today. Had a 'duty of care' meeting with XXX and the general manager, in which she cried, he was all fatherly and I did my smily, supportive best which I suspect wasnt really good enough. She is very very sick and thinner and more jittery than ever. Just want to take her hmoe and feed her some stew and say "Its OK baby" a bit. Fine Senior management Hard-Faced Uber-Bitch I am, huh?

Got my first big fat Management Paycheck today which cheered me up a bit. The extra salary Im earning now JUST covers the cut in maintenance that Shagnasty made when he saw the size of my house. Arsehole.

Thanks for all the wee comments and links and shit you've been doing for me, its all very appreciated. keep em coming (please!).

BF just back from the pub (fortification after three hours teaching) so that's my cue to get off my arse and go make hotdogs.

nightie night

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