
2005-10-21, 9:36 p.m.
1st Entry of the day

I am weak. I am weak. I am weak. After whining so much about BFs snotty unattractiveness last night I have tumbled from the wagon of purity in such a fashion that I am lying in a ditch with my perfectly toned legs mud-splattered and waggling.

Getting into bed was fine. He was coughing consumptively and doing that horrid back-of-the-throat snorty noise that only men can make and I immediately assumed my "no chance" posture which involves removing any possible erongenous zones far FAR away from BFs touch. He was anxious not to kiss me (to avoid risk of cros-infection blah blah blah)but did reach up to switch off the light and kind of snuggled up in a non-sexual comforting sort of way.

Unfortunately, he then asked, very sweetly, if I would mind licking his nipple. It seemed an innocous enough request but I had obviously missed the effect that such an action would have on the randy old goat - seeing as he had been deprived of action for two days and was now unable to kiss or touch me in any way. Thus rendered almost totally immobile, it was only about two TEENY little licks later that he was putty in my hands. Putty that had obviously been left with the lid off and had gone awfully hard, that is.

The Stepford genes kicked in and Im sorry to say that he got well and truly done in spectacular fashion. Him not being able to move much, and participate even less, acted as a kind of germ-based S&M thing allowing me to do the full squirming pervyness while he lay there whimpering, quivering and generally getting LOADS. Result? All done in half an hour and BF sleeping like a baby (no, NOT waking up screaming for milk every two hours and shitting himself - oh, STOP it)and NOT COUGHING. I may have to try it again tonight if its going to be the only way I can get a bit of decent kip. I am BAD. Or is that GOOD?

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