Not even worthy of the word 'update'. Bite me.

2015-03-12, 11:07 p.m.
I need to update but Im short on time and its late. L is still in hospital but getting better each day - next week theyre going to put a defibrillator in his chest (S-ICD if you want to look it up!) and then they might let him come home. The visiting hours on the ward he's in now are fucking stupid (3-8pm) which makes it a bit of a nightmare for me as it cuts right across the school run and dinner time and all the other things I normally have to do around that time of day but, as Im still off work (and likely to be so for a while yet), it does mean that loads of long-neglected housework is getting done.

The house is too damn quiet.

And the bed is too damn empty.

Im lonely.


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