washin' down the diazepam with Lidl bourbon

2013-06-18, 11:41 p.m.
What Ho, Diaryland! How are we all?

Latest news from The Palace of Many Sins is that Jooj the Superbeing appears to have somewhere to stay in London, so thank you very much to all those of you whose brains I picked and all those of you who gave very helpful suggestions. Youre all fabulous people and Im sorry if I sounded a bit�umm�needy. Its because I was a bit�umm�needy.

Anyways, onwards and upwards!

Its hard to explain what makes my marriage tick. Its often maddening to the point of despair. There are times when people have very much deserved to have been stabbed, or thrown onto the street with only the clothes they stand up in, or dragged through the streets tied with their own fetid socks to a hurdle and pelted with Durian Fruit. Dipped in cowshit.

But it�s a marriage, and nobody ever said it was all supposed to be roses around the door and cosies on the teapot.

You have to take the rough with the smooth and God knows there�s plenty of rough Sometimes, though, you take the camera up on the motorway bridge and wave at the truckers and take time lapse shots of tail-lights and even though its your wedding anniversary you don�t do anything much. And then you set the tripod up, and the timer switch and you get a moment of smooth, in amongst the rough.

 photo SarahampLouEdit_zps4d45b54c.jpg

Yeh. Smooth.

I need to update a bit more often, I think. I�ll get on it at the weekend. The same kind of stuff happens as happened before � the same ole dumbass whisky-fuelled, classic rock, squelchy gateau of a life � I just don�t write about it as much. I think I should, don�t you?

Anyway, we�ve got a new bloke at work. A Science teacher. He�s maybe 30ish. Kind of tall with a bit of a Scottish accent. He brings his sandwiches to work wrapped in greaseproof paper. His sandwiches are the most old-school sandwiches I have seen since the early 70s, when my granddad would go off to his job in the docks with his sandwiches wrapped in greaseproof paper. Can you imagine a time, young Diaryland people, when clingfilm didn�t exist? I can remember marvelling at it on Tomorrow�s World as the presenter held a glass of milk upside down over her head and it DIDN�T SPILL! Oh, the wonder of it! I like this science teacher bloke for his retro sandwiches. He might be a knob-head, who knows, but I do admire his lunch. I have retro lunch envy.

Also today I have learned the acronym TL;DR (too long, didn�t read), so I guess I�d better go.


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