Unhooking the Tenters

2013-04-08, 10:29 a.m.
Having never 'staged an intervention' before I wasnt really sure what to expect. Im pretty sure youre supposed to have more than a four-day Easter weekend at your disposal, but that was all I had and I worked with that.

Im also pretty sure that doing a bit of internet research and finding out that proper medically controlled withdrawal plans involve the use of drugs which I handily had in my medicine cabinet shouldnt be seen as validation for handing the damn things out like tic-tacs, (with not much more than an educated guess at how they might effect another person) but, like I said last time, nobody died in the night so its all good.

We've reached something of an impasse at the mo. Barriers have been broken (massive, seemingly impenetrable barriers at that) and unceremoniously trampled upon. Backsliding has occurred, but in a much less catastrophic manner than I was expecting. Futures have been looked forard to.

I was never hoping to make Donny Osmond out of Ozzie Osbourne so Im chalking it down as a success. But a small one.

I cannot begin to thank my wonderful d'land friends who helped me more than they could possibly know.

Next update: no sensible stuff. Promise.

Bum Pooh Willy Fart Boobies Bogey Hoo-hah. See, Ive started already!


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