Boring Entry - Try to Stay Awake!

2008-07-10, 10:14 p.m.
I should probably do an update, as its been a while, but I don�t really have anything to say.

Im in the conservatory, using the laptop as L has started transferring the big computer into the studio and, in the process has broken it to bits encountered some system development issues which Lee is round at ours, trying to sort out. Actually Lee isn�t doing too much of that on account of being utterly distraught at the latest round of daylight robbery imposed on him by those cunts at the CSA.

I went on the interweb to try and get some advice � mostly by googling �fucking cunts at CSA shaft honest law-abiding dads� which didn�t return too many results, if Im honest. I tried a few more permutations but mostly the results I got were stuff to do with �I am a feckless scrubber who had an indeterminate-hued baby after a one night stand. The nameless, jobless wanker I chose as the sire of my child now refuses to pay up and I may have to cancel my Sky package. And with me pregnant again, and all.�

No provision is made for good, kind dads who just happen to be divorced, and the case histories/helplines/question forums are all geared to getting the most moneyfairest deal possible for the mothers. Its desperately unfair and I don�t really think I am going to be able to help at all, which is making me sad.

In other news, my guv is going on holiday on Friday for two whole weeks, which should give me plenty of time to work on my CV (that�s resume for my overseas listeners!) as I am now firmly resolved to get another job and have even gone so far as to contact an old business acquaintance who has a recruitment agency. I doubt if he can help me (judging by his website its mostly financial services type things he deals in) but at least it is spurring me on to actually get some job history down on paper.

Im supposed to be baking a cake for Treacle to take to school tomorrow as its non-uniform day and they have to pay a forfeit for the honour of wearing their jeans for the day but, to be honest, I cant be arsed. The flyer says �cakes for cake stall or a bottle for the tombola�. She can take a bottle of the cheapest wine and have done with it � Im not going to the bloody summer fayre anyways as its Shagnasty�s weekend so nobody will know I was a cheapskate.

Hmm. L�s just come in an announced that he�s off down the pub with Lee to �cheer him up�.

Now Im in a right mood cos I cant go too and I have to do the packed lunches for tomorrow and a shit-load of housework besides. Im going to be a right moany bitch for a while. Meh. I�ll have cheered up by the time they get back, though, so they need never know and my Perfect Wifey status will be retained. Yay me!

Going to a Movie Themes Fancy Dress Party on Saturday with Lee and Anne Marie. Lee�s going as Batman (the Adam West one, not the Val Kilmer one!), L is refusing to shave and is going as Clint Eastwood (or Clist Eatwood as he repeatedly said after a skinful the other night), Anne Marie is working a Desperately Seeking Susan montage and Im doing Cruella de Vil, mostly cos Juicy lent me a costume with wig and everything and I wont have to think too hard about what to wear. Id rather not go as Cruella, but Im running out of time and inclination. Its not a stylish party and there will be nobody there I need to impress so I am cutting myself some slack and NOT staying up til 3am every night this week sewing sequins and styling crepe hair in the hope I might look like an approximation of Jessica Rabbit by Saturday tea time.

Eek. Just remembered that I said I would do the flowers and will have to go to the wholesalers before work tomorrow. *weep* Im such a sucker. The wholesalers is only open from 5am til midday so I�ll need to take an hour off in the morning and miss lunch. The hostess has asked for roses (presumably because I said she could have a dozen centrepieces instead of a birthday present!) but I�ll have to mix them with other flowers if Im not to bankrupt myself. Clove carnations, maybe.

I�ll take pictures. If nothing else it will fill an entry next week.

Im astonished at the boringness of this entry � you have my every sympathy at having to read it.

*gasp* I forgot to tell you! Jooj has a boyfriend! He is 12. He has a long fringe. He wears skinny jeans and enormous hoodies. They have matching My Chemical Romance t-shirts. I shall call him Babeemo. Cos he is a little emo. Awwww. Bless.

Babeemo doesn�t seem to care too much that Jooj has a spot on her nose so big that its actually growing into another child and has started asking for pocket money and stealing my clothes. Perhaps he thinks the spot will grow up to be better looking than Jooj. Poor old Jooj, she also now has braces on top AND bottom teeth and they are the sort which have to be anchored together with elastic bands when she�s not actually eating or brushing her teeth. Presumably that means there is no chance of her opening her mouth wide enough to do any kind of tonsil hockey with Babeemo which is a bonus (and something which I don�t want to think about. Eeeuuuw).

In other news, Suze cut my hair for me and it looks lovely. While she was cutting it she was telling me about her younger daughter who had just won a triathlon against kids two years older and was now going to be representing the county. Also while Suze was cutting my hair, Treacle phoned to say that she won the skipping race at school sports day, which is clearly MUCH better than any stupid old triathlon. Especially as Treac had forgotten to take her skipping rope and had had to use Hannabanana�s. See! My kid even wins stuff when she�s not fully prepared! Nee Ner! I think I should be more pleased about the triathlon thing, as Suze�s daughters are my nieces now, but Im not that bothered. Id be more pleased if she had learned to have nice manners, or had come first in �Being a Pleasant Child�. No chance of that happening.

I have to go now.

Mostly cos I need a wee.


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