Mail Dominated Society

2006-08-09, 9:56 p.m.
So. I hear there's to be a seminar in the Midlands. Same as the ones we've run in the north/Scotland. I prepare 160 address labels and envelopes. The Midlands Field Rep says Toast and the Marketing twat Manager want to see the letters I sent last time so they can be updated and amended before sending out on Friday. I email letters, faxbacks and confirmation responses Thursday and print off hard copies (just in case).

4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the marketing twat throws the letters on my desk and exits stage right (sharpish). His incisive and erudite amendments, for which he earns approx �30K more than me, were to scribble out the word "Carlisle" (the venue for the last seminar). Well, DUH. I think I couldve managed that bit.

I go straight to his office where he is talking with Toast. I say "any chance of telling me where the Midlands seminar is so I can amend the letters?". He fudges and says he'll email it straight to me. Toast says "So. The letters ARE going out today, arent they?". I point out, with as little sarcasm as I can muster, that it may not be possible for me to redraft, print and pack 160 letters in time for the postman to take them, as he comes at FOUR FIFTEEN, YOU DOZY TWAT!

Around 5, I go home.

I go in this morning at 8 to get an hour's mailshotting in before Slave etc arrives and the phones start going frantic and regular working chaos ensues at 9. No email from Marketing Twat. I email "please could you send me the details of venue for the midlands seminar". At 10.15 I get an email - forwarded by Marketing Twat, but originally from Midlands Field rep giving the name of the venue and the town. I try to get a full address off the web. No such place. The Field Rep's cellphone is switched off. I spend an hour finding out the correct venue name and postal address.

The printer jams every 6-8 pages. 160 x 3 sheets of paper = a lot of jams.
I send out the mailshot.

Man, I need a new job.

yours shaking head in disbelief that I have to go through this kind of shit every day


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