Psst! I'm Still Here!

2006-07-10, 9:36 p.m.
Oh Maaaaaan! Its been AYYYYYYJiiiizzzz since I updated. never fear dear friends, I am not laid up with a tropical disease or gone to live in Swindon or re-married Shagnasty or anything peculiar ike that - Im just without PC at present. Mine has crashed in specTAClee-er fashion and BF (astonishingly) has been actually doing some work on his in the evenings, so Boo for me.

I promise new and thrilling dispatches from Stepfieland jolly soon and send lots of love and stuff to everyone who may have been wondering where Ive been. Oh, and thanks for the linkages, and the notes and the comments. You're all lovely.



PS Off now to read what all YOU lot have been up to. There'll be comments!

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