Nans. WTF?!

2006-04-13, 8:06 p.m.
Last night's alternative to television (sitting in the kitchen drinking and horsing around), produced the following little gems which are things BF and I were told by our nans.

1. "Dont play with sticks, you'll have your eye out." If anyone knows anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who once had their eye out with a stick, do let me know. We know loads of people who have played with sticks but not any of them have ever had this happen to them.

2. "Dont go near a swan. They can break your arm with their wings." Documentary evidence also required on this one please.

3. "Nan, Can I have an ice cream?" "No. you cant eat ice creams in this weather (anything less than about 75 degrees). You'll catch a chill". How? Was she just being stingy?

BFs nan was (by his own admission) a chic, elegant, self-centred alcoholic. Mine was a sweet natured innocent who (aged 80) used the word "wanker" at a family dinner as she'd heard it on the telly and thought it meant "twit".

Nans are cool, aren't they? When my nan died, I got her engagement ring, �300 and a musical barometer (with the little man and lady who go in/come out of their replica bavarian chalet depending on the air pressure). It plays The White Horse Inn. I cry every time I hear it.


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